Plato's Academy: a gateway for applied philosophy in sciences
14 - 28 July 2013
Summer School of Philosophy and Applied Research
The Foundation for Hellenic World (FHW)
in collaboration with the University of Athens and the
Onassis Cultural Center is launching a project entitled «Plato's
Academy: the development of Knowledge and innovative ideas».
The objectives of the project are the following
- • the support of research concerning the development of knowledge and innovative ideas as a contributing factor to social and economic progress
- • the development of a network of cooperation connecting Greek and overseas educational establishments, as well as individual researchers and research institutions
- • the utilization of a historical neighborhood of Athens and its cultural heritage as the starting point for the acquisition of knowledge and for the development of alternative learning methods.
Within the framework of this project, FHW plans to organize and run a
multidisciplinary summer school the overall theme of which will be to consider
the impact of Platonic (mainly) philosophy on contemporary issues relevant
to science and technology.
The Summer School of Philosophy and Applied Research is addressed to postgraduate
students and researchers from all over the world, from mainly scientific
and technological backgrounds who are interested in investigating the relationship
between applied research and its underlying principles, and the ways in
which this research supplies feedback for, and occasionally overturns, these
same principles. The number of students who will participate each year will
be twenty. They will be selected by a special academic committee following
the thorough assessment of the submitted applications.
The Project covers the teaching expenses and the educational materials provided.
Additionally, it fully covers the students' meals and accommodation in twin
bedrooms, as well as their daily transportation to and from the teaching
venues. Lastly, the Project will cover 3 educational outings in and around
Athens which are part of the school programme. The students will have to
cover the transportation costs from their place of residence to Athens and
The Summer School will last 15 days and will run for three consecutive years,
starting 2012. The venue will be the facilities of FHW in Athens, specifically the Hellenic Cosmos (
The opening date for the current year (2013) is Monday, July 15th and the closing
date is Sunday, July 28th.
The program includes 32 hours of lectures, 16 hours of workshops and 3 visits to sites of historical and archaeological interest, where specific activities related to the program will be carried out. The language of instruction will be English and the teachers/ instructors/ lectures will be academics, researchers and specialized scientists whose research focuses on seeking the connection between philosophy, science and technology either from a scientific or a philosophical point of view.
During the summer school the issues which will be examined and presented will be both practical and methodological, drawn from various themes such as the basic principles of Platonic Philosophy, Bioethics, Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of Language and Communication, Ethics, Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy in/of Art, Digital Technology and Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of the Mind etc.
- • Important Notice - Deadline extension for candidate students for the Summer School 2013
(10/05/2013) - • Call for expressions of interest - candidate students for the Summer School 2013
- • Application Form
The summer school is linked to the v-must European network of excellence of virtual museums and cultural heritage.

"Εκπαίδευση και Διά Βίου Μάθηση" και συγχρηματοδοτείται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση (Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινωνικό Ταμείο) και από εθνικούς πόρους (ΕΣΠΑ 2007-2013).